Professional Reviews

REVIEWS of ESSENTIAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE USA, EDITION 2, (Earlier Versions) is the most beautiful, articulate map of this country ever made...The clarity with which this map conveys information is stunning.

-Nik Schulz, West County Explorers Club

In a time consuming process, David Imus improved the design and content of his magnum opus. The new shaded terrain in the background of the second edition of the Essential Geography is spectacular, and makes the topography of the US very easy to perceive. The shaded terrain combined with uncountable meticulous edits and subtle style changes result in a new map that is even clearer and more aesthetic than the first edition. It is quite possibly the best map ever published of the coterminous USA.

Very Imhofesque!

-Bernie Jenny, Swiss cartographer / shaded relief expert

This is an amazing, thoughtful, and detailed map, depicting the geographic context and its influence on where people live and what they perceive.

-Edward Tufte, "The Galileo of graphics"


The Essential Geography of the United States of America is a visually superb map when viewed from any distance. From afar, the pleasing layout and colors would be a fine complement to any wall—from classrooms to living rooms. But it is from close up that version 2.0 of this map really shines. The reader is treated to a wealth of clearly-presented detail that invites exploration from coast to coast and beyond. And terrain aficionados will be delighted by the updated depiction that gracefully combines shaded relief with land cover. This is a map that you will surely want to look at again and again.

-Tom Patterson, American cartographer and shaded relief expert; Former President, North American Cartographic Information Society



The "Essential Geography" map of the United States is terrific. It is filled with all the information you'd expect, and a great deal more you'll find entertaining and enlightening, but so artfully executed that it looks clear and uncomplicated. Only professional cartographers will appreciate the enormous effort that went into this map; everyone else will like it for its combination of comprehensiveness and apparent simplicity. An elegant map is a difficult task, and a new and notable US map a real trick, but Imus' "Essential Geography" manages to achieve both. This one will remain a classic!

-Stuart Allan, Raven Maps


The Essential Geography of the United States is not only beautiful - it will help promote geographic literacy and imagination in school-age children and teachers alike.

-NACIS, North American Cartographic Information Society


The blend of information in the new Essential Geography of the United States of America map is thoroughly captivating. Like a beautifully illustrated manuscript, the map engages both sides of the human brain. And it's large enough to peruse for hours, like the pelagic ocean.

-Barry Lopez, writer


Dave Imus' new United States map confirms what I've long believed to be true as an author, journalist and lover of topography: the difference between something good and something great is the attention to detail. I have seen Imus at work. He is both scientist and artist, raising the art of map making to an all-new level.

-Bob Welch, author and columnist for The (Eugene, Ore.) Register-Guard


Will print maps survive Google Maps and the iPad? If Dave Imus's new Essential Geography of the U.S. is any indication, the answer is a resounding yes.

Wall maps are large, physical artifacts that evoke our love of place. Indeed, they are the trophy mounts of the mapping world. They offer fond remembrance of the thrill of adventure, help dream up new trips, and effect a sirens call over friends and family with their proud display of geography. Custom cartography reminds us place is not the sum of a street network but a overlay of cultural story and physiographic pattern. As OpenStreetMap, NavTeq, TeleAtlas, and the like duke it out in the PND and 1:10,000 scale road-map-as-a-service space, this map shows our discipline at its best.

-Nathaniel Kelso, Kelso Cartography


Pin this map to your wall and start crossing the continent with your eyes! Here's the legendary path of Route 66, the entire Pacific Crest Trail, the Indian reservations of the desert, the Statue of Liberty -- iconic destinations you just don't find on other wall maps. Imus captures the geographic essence of the USA.

-William L. Sullivan, writer


The Imus map of the United States can be used by students, travelers and professional geographers. All will find relationships among regions and places within them.

-Dr. Susan Hardwick, author of "The Geography of North America"


A fascinating map; informative to the max, without seeming cluttered. I am delighted to see all 50 state highpoints named correctly, as well as proper attention paid to National Parks and Monuments.

-Dave Coville, Lead Director, Highpointers Foundation